Page 21 - Vallejo_Chamber_of_Commerce_Magazine_Winter_2019
P. 21

Some of these items are such a bargain        are finding good deals left and right, owners can still
                 because they’re “closeouts,” as Amy           refuse the products based on the needs of the store.
                 previously mentioned. Meaning, a company is
                 discontinuing a product for some reason and   “We as the owners decide what we want to bring
                 needs to sell it all, often at a huge discount.  in the building,” Amy explained. “So, you can be
                                                               unique to your location; certain stores sell more or
                 “If you fall in love with a product, you      less of certain things. There are stores that struggle
                 should go back and buy some more,             to sell floral, whereas my customers love it! So,
                 and do it quickly! Just in case,” Amy         it all depends on your location, getting to know
                 advised. “If it’s something that we don’t     your customers and what they want and need.”
                 carry all the time, we recommend that
                 you come back and buy as much as you          What that means is that when you shop at
                 can because we won’t have it again.”          Grocery Outlet in Vallejo, the products you
                                                               see on the shelves are placed there specifically
                 Amy suggests that you shop at Grocery Outlet   with the greater Vallejo community in mind.
                 first, see if it has all that you need, then go
                 elsewhere to fill in any gaps. However, when   In 2016, Amy and Scott moved here from New
                 it comes to the basics (e.g. eggs, bread,     Jersey to take over Grocery Outlet in Vallejo,
                 produce, even fresh meat and fresh seafood)—  and they’ve been moved even more by our local
                 you can trust they’ll have all the essentials in   community. “I’ve lived in a lot of places and
                 stock, which are delivered almost every day.  Vallejo is, by far, filled with some of the most
                                                               amazing people I’ve ever met,” Amy said. “We’ve
 An Exciting  teenagers) from the Grocery Outlet, and I never   a joy to come to work with them every day.”
            “I feed my entire family of five (with three
                                                               got some incredible people working for us and it’s
            have to go anyplace else,” Amy exclaimed. “The
                                                               Via Grocery Outlet they support the community
            quality is outstanding; our produce is delivered
                                                               every chance they get. They offer scholarships,
            fresh, 6 days a week, from distributors all
 to Grocery   over California, Oregon, and Washington.”        support schools, the Vallejo Admirals, and much
                                                               more. They collected around $25,000 to help
                                                               with the Paradise Fire relief, even sending two
            We asked Amy to recall an example of one of
                                                               truckloads worth of product their way. They also
            these amazing deals they’ve had in the past
 Shop!      and she mentioned a time when they acquired        partner with Vallejo nonprofit Faith Food Fridays,
            goods from a company called Nature’s Gate
                                                               giving them any food that can no longer be
            that specialized in items like organic body
                                                               sold in efforts to not throw anything away.
            wash, shampoo and conditioner—similar to
            products you’d find at Whole Foods.                “We’re also known for #GORAK: Grocery Outlet
                                                               Random Act of Kindness,” Amy revealed.
 Oh, the deals you’ll find at Vallejo’s Grocery Outlet  “What would sell elsewhere
            for about $12, we were selling
            for $2.99, buy one get one
 By Matt Larson  free,” she said. Apparently,
            the company had gone out
 People typically arrive at the grocery store knowing   “Grocery Outlet works with opportunistic buying,”   of business and sold its entire
 what they want, where to find it, and about how   explained Amy Yacullo, who owns Grocery Outlet   remaining inventory to Grocery
 much it will cost. Pleasant surprises are generally not   in Vallejo with her husband, Scott. “We deal   Outlet. Amy told us “for $25, I
 something one would expect. Sometimes new products   with buying pack changes, closeouts, overstocks;   got 16 things that would have
 arrive, but they’re often simply ignored, as shopping   then we’re able to create the value and the   been $200 if I went to Raley’s.”
 for groceries has become a robotic, repetitive process.   savings and pass it on to the customer.”   For opportunities like that,
 Such is not the case when walking through the   This purchasing method they’ve perfected   customers can be spotted
 aisles of Grocery Outlet in Vallejo. You may find   results in some deeply discounted, name brand   shopping at Grocery
 spectacular deals on amazing items available   products. The one and only downside is that   Outlet several times per
 nowhere else, and you may even get all your   these deals don’t last forever, or even days for   week to ensure that they
 groceries for free! More on that later…   that matter; in fact, some of these products   don’t miss out on some of
 won’t be available anywhere, ever again.  these very timely deals.
 The difference is in the name: outlet. Akin to a retail
 outlet store—or like Marshall’s or T.J. Maxx, where you   “It’s like a treasure hunt!” Amy laughed. “New   Every Grocery Outlet is
 can stumble upon some once-in-a-lifetime deals that   items show up every day. It’s a problem for   different, as they’re all
 you couldn’t find anywhere else—you can look forward   me because every day I’m bringing something   individually owned and
 to a similarly beneficial experience at Grocery Outlet.  else home. Every day it’s a new adventure!”   operated. And while the buyers

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