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Get a Closer many people that are in need, and so that’s why If you see an optometrist at your usual hospital, like
Kaiser, and they give you a prescription for glasses,
I joined the Lions Club over six years ago.”
Kaiser patients also have a separate vision plan that
Redwood Eye Center accepts all insurances and you can bring it to Redwood Eye Center. “Our
Look including Sutter Solano, North Bay Fairfield, and Vaca Service Plan),” she explained. “We’re in-house
can perform surgeries at three different hospitals,
they’re sometimes not aware of called VSP (Vision
Valley hospitals. Children are also always welcome,
providers for that, so we see a lot of Kaiser patients.”
regardless of circumstance.
“There’s no child that’s left
As of last year the Redwood
behind, in terms of vision, if
ownership of Dr. Anthony
they can’t afford it,” Conway- Eye Center is under the
Caretti expressed. “We will Agadzi. He joined the team
give them a free eye exam in 2007 as a partner with
and get them free glasses; Dr. Roger Carlson, who still
Redwood Eye Center is no stranger to generations of Vallejoans our Lions Club works to works at the Center as a
offset the cost of that so no
part-time ophthalmologist.
one pays out of pocket.” Many of the Redwood Eye
By Matt Larson Center regulars have gotten
Composed of many Vallejo to know Dr. Agadzi pretty
residents and natives, well since 2007, though Dr.
Having trouble reading this? Even if you seem to blood vessels and optic nerves, further assessing your the customer service Carlson remains the more
have perfect vision, a visit to the eye doctor is health beyond 20/20 vision. Especially if you have an you’ll encounter at Redwood Eye Center is hard familiar face as he’s been with the practice since
something everyone should do on a regular basis. If autoimmune disease like lupus or multiple sclerosis, to beat, especially since they’ve now served 1973. Conway-Caretti is confident with the change of
you can’t recall the last time that you got your eyes which require medications that may affect your vision, several generations of families over the last 80+ command, and wants the public to feel the same.
checked by a professional, you might want to make you should indeed have a consistent relationship years. They service third-and-fourth-generation
an appointment at your earliest convenience. with a local ophthalmologist. Also, she mentions, patients, some who are now in their nineties, and “Dr. Agatzi is a phenomenal surgeon, doctor, and
children should have a complete eye exam, beyond they want to keep that familial tradition going. boss,” she declared. “He’s really an empathetic
Whatever your optical needs the basic screening from a person. He donates his time to do whatever he
may be, Redwood Eye primary care physician, before “Serving our community of Vallejo, our reputation can to help Vallejo, and I just want to make sure
Center in Vallejo has been they reach kindergarten age. is everything to us,” Conway-Caretti explained. that everyone knows he’s not just someone here
providing some of the most “We have really great customer service; we care to do eye exams—he really cares.” He’s also a
professional ophthalmologists, In addition to top-notch industry about our patients; we offer everything that’s on member of Doctors Without Borders, having last
optometrists, and opticians professionals and more services the market—not generic; our products come with gone to Haiti when they encountered a terrible
around since it was established than you could probably find extensive manufacturer (and our own in-house) hurricane, so Vallejo is lucky to have someone
in 1938. It is now one of only anywhere else, another great warranties; and our opticians are actually certified.” like Dr. Agatzi serving us so close to home.
five such practices serving the reason to support Redwood
Solano County region, and Eye Center is because they, Redwood Eye Center provides everything from Again, whether you feel you need it or not, if you
we attest that they’re worth in turn, support the Vallejo general eye exams to cataract surgeries to haven’t had an eye exam within the past year,
looking into … ba-dum. community. They partner pediatric care and more. They do myopia control or more, schedule an appointment right away.
with the Vallejo Executive to prevent teenagers from having their vision Redwood Eye Center is located at 2852 Redwood
“Your eyes are an extremely important organ—not just Lions Club, of which Conway-Caretti is serving as problems worsen when they get to adulthood, Parkway in Vallejo. Call them at (707) 553-8222 or visit
to see—but they show different things that are going vice president and is also their president elect, and they provide options for different implants when a Hope to see you there!
on in your body,” said Kat Conway-Caretti, Optical provide vision screenings for the Vallejo community cataract is removed including multifocal designs,
Manager and Practice Manager of Redwood Eye no less than three times per year at select events. as well as LASIK consultations and much more. Larson is an actor/comedian/director from
Center. “Just like you would get your annual physical Vallejo who lives a double life between the
with your primary care physician, people don’t realize The Lions Clubs International Foundation is a world- “We’re also a full-service eyeglass dispensary,” Bay and LA. When he’s not writing for Local
you need to come and have your annual eye exam leading organization dedicated to preventing Conway-Caretti added. “Our frames start at Happenings Magazine he could be editing a
short film or working on his next rap album—
with your optometrist or ophthalmologist as well.” avoidable blindness, providing resources and a hundred dollars, go to a thousand, and we who knows! Keep up with all things Larson at
more in the fight against eye disease. “We have everything in between.” Brands include
Via dilation, specialists at Redwood Eye Center can are the Knights of the Blind; that’s our mission Gucci, Hugo Boss, Oakley, etc. They also provide
see through to the back of your eye, observing the statement,” Conway-Caretti said. “There’s so a full-service contact lens department.
Discover our community 2019 13