Page 10 - Vallejo_Chamber_of_Commerce_Magazine_Winter_2017
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Humane While the HSNB’s main goal is to have money goes back to the shelter,” Eddy years because it is apparently a mandated
these animals adopted by a caring,
redevelopment area. As such, the HSNB is
said. “We are not a municipal shelter,
in the process of searching for a new home
responsible person(s), their other goals
where the city owns it and we just facilitate
for our beloved, local animal shelter that will
things; we are a private entity.”
are in their mission statement: “To offer
still, of course, reside in Vallejo.
refuge, medical care, nourishment and an
Society of the opportunity for a second chance for life to Although the City of Vallejo does not own The HSNB is an invaluable asset to our
the shelter, the two work in tandem by
unwanted animals; strive to protect animals
supporting each other: the HSNB helps
community. Recently, they took quick action
from cruelty, neglect, carelessness and
Vallejo and surrounding cities by keeping
to help with the tragedy of the fires that
ignorance…” ( With such
a tremendous need to help provide for the
are ever-present here in California. “We
stray animals off the streets, while the city
North Bay growing number of homeless dogs and has a contract to pay the shelter to hold on immediately reached out to the network
to the dogs and cats. “Solano County will
of shelters and rescues in the areas most
cats, we are especially fortunate to have
charge a city about $250 per animal if a
impacted, and notified our supporters
an animal shelter right here in the city of
Vallejo—a shelter where the community is
stray goes directly to the county shelter that
of the need to donate goods and foster
its driving force.
is in Fairfield,” Eddy said. “We have so
Eddy said. Of course, the shelter helped
many that it is actually more cost-effective displaced animals whenever possible,”
We can help the shelter in many ways, for the city to pay us, for the animals to many dogs and cats impacted by the fires,
Helping our furry and volunteering is one of them. Many of have a chance to get adopted. So it has a he continued. “We took in 20 cats and
the shelter’s current volunteers enjoy walking financial and humane benefit.”
dogs from owners who were not able to
friends the dogs because they get to spend time care for them either because they had lost
with them while getting great exercise (a Since the HSNB only gets about one- their housing or were in a location that
By James Quinn win-win). Other volunteers prefer spending fifth of its operational funds from the city didn’t allow them to bring pets.”
more time with the kittens and cats that of Vallejo, the rest comes from private
need plenty of attention (i.e., cuddling). Of donations. “Everything else comes The community response to the tragic
any dogs and cats go
without homes every course, you can volunteer to be with both, from private donations. Businesses help fires brought people together, which has
the dogs and the cats!
contribute things; it might be cash; it might
made it all much easier. “The community
day. Each and every one be services that they donate, like helping has been fantastic, with everyone from
Mhas a story; some were When I visited the shelter, I saw a huge us fix a heater; it might be clothing or bags kids to the mayor of Vallejo, and city
born on the streets, others are lost crowd of people out front. The shelter of food. We’ll take whatever we can get,” council members all pitching in to load,
pets, and some were even abandoned. held their orientation for new volunteers Eddy said. unload, sort, carry and store all these
Some have had owners who decide that Saturday, on September 30th. So, goods [donations], much of which has
they can no longer take care of them, naturally, the front office thought I was there In addition to its Barkitecture event in the already been distributed, and more that
while others just know a life of pure for that! Either way, everyone I spoke with spring—featuring a dinner and auction— we’re holding until the shelters and rescues
survival in the urban city. “We;ll had great things to say about volunteering, the HSNB has a big fundraiser coming up need refreshed supplies,” Eddy said. “This
see more than 2,000 dogs and cats a and highly recommended it. In fact, before in the first two weeks of December. Just is truly a compassionate community.” We
year,” said Kristin Eddy, who is now becoming the HSNB president, Eddy across the street from the Humane Society, are lucky to have not only the HSNB,
the president of the Humane Society started as a volunteer, where she fell in the Meyer Corporation (a high-quality but also a community that works with
of the North Bay (HSNB) in Vallejo. love with the place. Volunteer opportunities kitchenware distributer) has a warehouse them, because they go hand-in-hand; our
Established in 1986, the HSNB is a “no- include: “dog walking and socializing, cat sale with deeply discounted merchandise. community is what we put forth in it.
playtime and socializing, outreach events,
kill” shelter that has been giving dogs clerical and office work, animal care, “People come in and shop, and they The Humane Society of the North Bay
[Meyer] will ask people at the checkout if
and cats a second chance for more cleaning, feeding, facilities and grounds they would like to make a donation to the is open from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. from
than 30 years—providing them with maintenance, docent/greeter, foster care, Humane Society; and thank God, a lot of Tuesdays to Sundays. For additional
much-needed love and attention in the fundraising, marketing, graphic design, people say yes,” Eddy said. “And Meyer information—such as wanting to adopt a
form of food, water, and medicine. Of and public relations assistance.” The will match all the donations that come in up furry friend, volunteer, or donate—visit their
course, there is also walking (dogs) and animal shelter could really use additional to $15,000.” That amount is amazing, and website at, or see them at
cuddling (mostly cats). volunteers. As one volunteer told me, the Meyer sale could be a great place to 1121 Sonoma Blvd., Vallejo. Give them a
“befriending an animal for a great cause is get some last-minute Christmas shopping call at (707) 645-7905.
an experience like no other.” To volunteer, done (that could very well be me). All the
you can go to the shelter in person at 1121 donations may seem like a whole lot of
Sonoma Blvd., or click on the “Volunteer” help, but the shelter still needs more.
tab on their website at
Eddy told me that the City of Vallejo recently
Because the shelter runs on volunteers, it notified the shelter that they are to leave the
is a private, non-profit corporation. “All property, their current location, in about two